Blog third anniversary

My first blog post was March 5, 2012, three years ago today.

I have enjoyed blogging.  Even though I am talking about topics related to my work blogging does not feel like work. The great thing about blogging is that it’s completely in my control.  I control the content and the time-table. I pay a small amount each year for hosting and for the domain name, but the entertainment value alone is worth the price of the site.  But, it also has career value because this blog has given me greater credibility both with my employer and outside the company.  Plus, I think it makes me better at my job because blogging forces me to put into words the technical issues that I am working on.

It’s been three good years of blogging.  Looking forward to more in the future.

– Bobby

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Joined twitter

I joined twitter.  I don’t really know how to use it.  I’m setup as Bobby Durrett, @bobbydurrettdba if that means anything to you. 🙂

– Bobby


I no longer tweet. 🙂

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Different plan_hash_value same plan

I mentioned this same effect in an earlier post about SQL profiles: link

I get a different plan_hash_value values for a query each time I run an explain plan or run the query.  I see this in queries whose plan includes a system generated temporary segment like this:

|   1 |  TEMP TABLE TRANSFORMATION   |                             |

For some reason the system generated temporary table name gets included in the plan_hash_value calculation.  This makes plan_hash_value a less than perfect way to compare two plans to see if they are the same.

Last week I was using my testselect package to test the effect of applying a patch to fix bug 20061582.  I used testselect to grab 1160 select statements from production and got their plans with and without the patch applied on a development database.  I didn’t expect many if any plans to change based on what the patch does.  Surprisingly, 115 out of the 1160 select statements had a changed plan, but all the ones I looked at had the system generated temporary table names in their plan.

Now, I am going to take the queries that have different plans with and without the patch and execute them both ways.  I have a feeling that the plan differences are mainly due to system generated temp table names and their execution times will be the same with and without the patch.

I’ve run across other limitations of plan hash value as I mentioned in an earlier post: link

I’m still using plan_hash_value to compare plans but I have a list of things in my head that reminds me of cases where plan_hash_value fails to accurately compare two plans.

– Bobby

P.S. After posting this I realized that I didn’t know how many of the 115 select statements with plans that differed with and without the patch had system generated temp tables.  Now I know.  114 of the 115 have the string “TEMP TABLE TRANSFORMATION” in their plans.  So, really, there is only one select statement for which the patch may have actually changed its plan.

P.P.S. I reapplied the patch and verified that the one sql_id didn’t really change plans with the patch.  So, that means all the plan changes were due to the system generated name.  Also, all the executions times were the same except for one query that took 50 seconds to parse without the patch and 0 with the patch.  So, one of the queries with the system generated temp table name happened to benefit from the patch.  Very cool!

P.P.P.S This was all done on an Exadata system.

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Speaking at Delphix User Group Webex March 11

On March 11 at 10 am California time I will be speaking in a Delphix User Group Webex session.

Here is the sign up url: WebEx sign up(NO LONGER EXISTS).

Adam Leventhal, the Delphix CTO, will also be on the call previewing the new Delphix 4.2 features.

I will describe our experience with Delphix and the lessons we have learned.  It is a technical talk so it should have enough details to have value to a technical audience.  Hopefully I have put enough effort into the talk to make it useful to other people who have or are considering getting Delphix.

There will time for questions and answers in addition to our talks.

I really enjoy doing user group presentations.  I had submitted an abstract for this talk to the Collaborate 2015 Oracle user group conference but it was not accepted so I wont get a chance to give it there.  But, this WebEx event gives me a chance to present the same material, so I’m happy to have this opportunity.

If you have an interest in hearing about Delphix join the call.  It is free and there will be some good technical content.

– Bobby

P.S. If this talk interests you I also have some earlier blog posts that relate to some of the material I will be covering:

Delphix first month

Delphix direct i/o and direct path reads

Delphix table recovery

Also, I plan to post the slides after the talk.

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A new index on a small table makes a big difference

A few weeks back on the weekend just before I went on call we got a complaint about slowness on an important set of reports.  I worried that the slowness of these reports would continue during my support week so I tried to figure out why they were slow.  I reviewed an AWR report for the 24 hours when the reports were running and found a simple query against a tiny table at the top of the “SQL ordered by Elapsed Time” report:

   SQL Id         Elapsed (s)        Execs
-------------   ------------- ------------
77hcmt4kkr4b6      307,516.33 3.416388E+09

I edited the AWR report to show just elapsed seconds and number of executions.  3.4 billion executions totaling 307,000 seconds of elapsed time.  This was about 90 microseconds per execution.

The previous weekend the same query looked like this:

   SQL Id         Elapsed (s)        Execs
-------------   ------------- ------------
77hcmt4kkr4b6      133,143.65 3.496291E+09

So, about the same number of executions but less than half of the elapsed time.  This was about 38 microseconds per execution.  I never fully explained the change from week to week, but I found a way to improve the query performance by adding a new index.

The plan was the same both weekends so the increase in average execution time was not due to a plan change.  Here is the plan:

SQL_ID 77hcmt4kkr4b6

Plan hash value: 1430621991

| Id  | Operation                   | Name               | Rows  |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |                    |       |
|   2 |   INDEX RANGE SCAN          | DIV_RPT_GEN_CTL_U1 |     1 |

I found that the table only had 369 rows and 65 blocks so it was tiny.

The table’s only index was on columns RPT_NM and RPT_ID but only RPT_NM was in the query.  For the given value of RPT_NM the index would look up all rows in the table with that value until it found those with GEN_STAT=1.  I suspect that on the weekend of the slowdown that the number of rows being scanned for a given RPT_NM value had increased, but I can not prove it.

I did a count grouping by the column GEN_STAT and found that only 1 of the 300 or so rows had GEN_STAT=1.

group by GEN_STAT;

---------- ----------
         1          1
         2        339
         0         29

So, even though this table is tiny it made sense to add an index which included the selective column GEN_STAT.  Also, since the reports execute the query billions of times per day it made sense to include the one column in the select clause as well, DIV_NBR.  By including DIV_NBR in the index the query could get DIV_NBR from the index and not touch the table.  The new index was on the columns RPT_NM, GEN_STAT, and DIV_NBR in that order.

Here is the new plan:

SQL_ID 77hcmt4kkr4b6

Plan hash value: 2395994055

| Id  | Operation        | Name               | Rows  |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT |                    |       |
|   1 |  INDEX RANGE SCAN| DIV_RPT_GEN_CTL_U2 |     1 |

Note that it uses the new index and does not access the table.  Here is the part of the AWR report for the problem query for last weekend:

   SQL Id         Elapsed (s)        Execs
-------------   ------------- ------------
77hcmt4kkr4b6       84,303.02 4.837909E+09

4.8 billion executions and only 84,000 seconds elapsed.  That is about 17.4 microseconds per execution.  That is less than half of what the average execution time was the weekend before the problem started.

The first Monday after we put the index in we found that one of the slow reports had its run time reduced from 70 minutes to 50 minutes.  It was great that we could improve the run time so much with such a simple fix.

It was a simple query to tune.  Add an index using the columns in the where clause and the one column in the select clause.  It was a tiny table that normally would not even need an index.  But, any query that an application executes billions of times in a day needs to execute in the most efficient way possible so it made sense to add the best possible index.

– Bobby

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Long parse time with interval partitioning and subpartitions

In an earlier post I described how some queries with long parse times were causing long library cache lock waits.  Friday I applied a patch from Oracle that resolved the long parse times.  Here are the conditions which may relate to this bug:

  1. Interval partitioned table
  2. Partitioned by range
  3. Sub-partitioned by list
  4. Open ended range on partitioning column in where clause
  5. Tens of thousands of sub-partitions

Prior to applying the patch I did an explain plan on two versions of the problematic query.  One version specified an open-ended range on the partitioning column and the other closed off the range.

Slow version:

T392658.CLNDR_DT >= TO_DATE('2014-11-17' , 'YYYY-MM-DD') and 

Elapsed: 00:00:46.20

Fast version:

T392658.CLNDR_DT >= TO_DATE('2014-11-17' , 'YYYY-MM-DD') and
T392658.CLNDR_DT <= TO_DATE('2014-11-26' , 'YYYY-MM-DD') and

Elapsed: 00:00:00.09

The queries are the same except for the extra date condition which closes off the date range.  Note that the explain plan took 46 seconds with the open-ended range and less than a tenth of a second with the closed off range.

With the patch the slow version is just as fast as the fast one.

This is bug 20061582 in Oracle’s system.

From my conversations with Oracle it sounds like in certain cases the optimizer is reviewing information for many or all of the sub-partitions and since we have 20,000 for this table in production it can take minutes to parse.  I also messed with the dates on the open-ended condition and found that if I made the date early enough the parse time issue went away.  So, it seems that there is some set of conditions, which I don’t know how to easily reproduce, which lead the optimizer to look at sub-partition information and slows parse time.

This is on on an Exadata system.  I was able to reproduce the long parse times on non-Exadata Linux and systems so it does not occur only on Exadata.

This issue surprised me because I thought that the optimizer would not look at partition or sub-partition statistics in a query that has a range condition which spanned more than one partition.  In the past I have always seen the global or table level stats used in these situations.  But, now I know that there are some cases where the optimizer will dig into the sub-partition stats even though the query covers more than one partition.

Looking at the plan of my slow parsing query before and after the patch I get a clue that the optimizer is looking at sub-partition stats:

Partition range without the patch:


Partition range with the patch:

     1 |   136

Evidently KEY(SQ) relates to some sort of filtering of the sub-partitions which cause the long parse time.  The manuals describe KEY(SQ) in a section titled “Dynamic Pruning with Subqueries” so maybe the problem queries have some sub-query that the optimizer was using to choose which sub-partitions that the query needed.

If you have an interval partitioned table with tens of thousands of sub-partitions and parse times in the minutes with open-ended ranges specified on the partitioning column your system could be hitting this same issue.

– Bobby

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Arizona User Group Meeting tomorrow

Here is the link: url

It looks like our meeting tomorrow will be on Oracle 12c new features.  I’m looking forward to participating. 🙂

– Bobby

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Cary Millsap

This is my third of four posts about people who have made a major impact on my Oracle database performance tuning journey.  This post is about Cary Millsap.  The previous two were about Craig Shallahamer and Don Burleson.

I am working through these four people in chronological order.  The biggest impact Cary Millsap had on me was through the book Optimizing Oracle Performance which he co-authored with Jeff Holt.  I have also heard Cary speak at conferences and we had him in for a product demo one time where I work.

I have delayed writing this post because I struggle to put into words why Cary’s book was so useful to me without repeating a long explanation of the book’s contents.  Just before reading the book I had worked on a system with high CPU usage and queuing for the CPU.  I had just read the paper “Microstate Response-time Performance Profiling” by Danisment Gazi Unal which talked about why CPU measurements in Oracle do not include time spent queued for the CPU.  Then I read Cary Millsap’s book and it was very enlightening.  For one thing, the book was very well written and written in a convincing way.  But the key concept was Cary Millsap’s idea of looking at the waits and CPU time that Oracle reports at a session level and comparing that to the real elapsed time.  This performance profile with waits, CPU, and elapsed time formed the basis of my first conference talk which I gave at Collaborate 06: PowerPoint, Word, Zip

Here is an example of a session profile from my presentation:

--------------------------- ---------------
REALELAPSED                             141
CPU                                   44.81
SQL*Net message from client            9.27
db file sequential read                 .16

This is a profile of a session that spent roughly two-thirds of its time queued for the CPU.

Since reading Optimizing Oracle Performance I have resolved many performance problems by creatively applying the concepts in the book.  The book focuses on using traces to build profiles.  I have made my own scripts against V$ views and I have also used Precise.  I have used traces as the book suggests but only with TKPROF.  I have not had a chance to use the tool that the book describes, the Method R Profiler.

However I do it the focus is on waits, CPU as reported by Oracle, and real elapsed time all for a single session.  It is a powerful way to approach performance tuning and the main thing I learned from Cary Millsap.  I highly recommend Cary Millsap and Jeff Holt’s book to anyone who wants to learn more about Oracle database performance tuning because it made such a profound impact on my career.

– Bobby

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Career Day – Oracle Database Administrator

I will be talking at my daughter’s high school for career day on Monday, explaining my job as an Oracle Database Administrator.  Wish me luck!

The funny thing is that no one understands what Oracle DBAs do, unless they are one or work closely with one.  I have a feeling that my talk is going to fall flat, but if it helps one of the students in any way it will be worth it.

To me the best thing about being an Oracle DBA is that you can do a pretty interesting and technically challenging job and companies that are not technology centric will still hire you to do it.  I’ve always been interested in computer technology but have worked in non-technical companies my entire career – mainly a non-profit ministry and a food distribution company.  Neither companies make computers or sell software!

My other thought is how available computer technology is to students today.  Oracle, in one of the company’s more brilliant moves, made all of its software available for download so students can try out the very expensive software for free.  Plus all the manuals are available online.  What is it like to grow up as a student interested in computer technology in the age of the internet?  I can’t begin to compare it to my days in the 1980s when I was in high school and college.  Did we even have email?  I guess we must have but I can’t remember using it much.  Today a student who owns a laptop and has an internet connection has a world of technology at their fingertips far beyond what I had at their age.

Hopefully I wont bore the students to tears talking about being an Oracle DBA.  They probably still won’t know what it really is after I’m done.  But at least they will know that such a job exists, and maybe that will be helpful to them.

– Bobby

P.S.  There were over 100 students there.  They were pretty polite with only a little talking.  Here is a picture of myself on the left, my daughter in the center, and a coworker who also spoke at the career day on the right.


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AZORA – Arizona Oracle User Group meeting January 20th

AZORA is planning a meeting January 20th.  Here is the link to RSVP: url

Hope to see you there. 🙂

– Bobby

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