db file parallel read on Linux and HP-UX

In my previous post I described how I could not explain why I got better db file parallel read wait times in a test on Linux than I got running the same test on HP-UX.  I have discovered that the Linux wait times were better because Linux cached the data in the filesystem cache and HP-UX did not.

Neither system used direct I/O for the tests so both could cache data in the filesystem cache.  Evidently Linux does this faster than HP-UX.  I figured this out by repeatedly running the query flushing the buffer cache before each run.  Flushing the buffer cache prevented the table and index from being cached within the database.  On Linux the query ran for the same amount of time for all 5 executions.  On HP-UX it ran much faster after running it for the first time.  Apparently Linux cached the table and index before the first run and HP-UX cached them after the first run.

Here is how I ran the query:

alter system flush buffer_cache;

select /*+ index(test testi) */ sum(blocks) from test;

alter system flush buffer_cache;

select /*+ index(test testi) */ sum(blocks) from test;

alter system flush buffer_cache;

select /*+ index(test testi) */ sum(blocks) from test;

alter system flush buffer_cache;

select /*+ index(test testi) */ sum(blocks) from test;

alter system flush buffer_cache;

select /*+ index(test testi) */ sum(blocks) from test;

Here are the elapsed times for the query on Linux:

Elapsed: 00:00:09.16
Elapsed: 00:00:09.17
Elapsed: 00:00:09.28
Elapsed: 00:00:09.18
Elapsed: 00:00:09.20

Here is the same thing on HP-UX:

Elapsed: 00:01:03.27
Elapsed: 00:00:19.23
Elapsed: 00:00:19.28
Elapsed: 00:00:19.35
Elapsed: 00:00:19.43

It’s not surprising that the HP-UX times with the data cached are twice that of Linux.  An earlier post found the processor that I am evaluating on Linux was about twice as fast as the one I’m using on HP-UX.

Just to double-check that the caching was really at the filesystem level I turned direct I/O on for the Linux system using this parameter:

alter system set filesystemio_options=DIRECTIO scope=spfile;

I ran the test again after bouncing the database to make the parameter take effect and the run times were comparable to the slow first run on HP-UX:

Elapsed: 00:01:12.03
Elapsed: 00:01:06.69
Elapsed: 00:01:12.98
Elapsed: 00:01:10.14
Elapsed: 00:01:07.21

So, it seems that without the filesystem cache this query takes about 1 minute to run on either system.  With caching the query runs under 20 seconds on both systems.

In some ways I think that these results are not important.  Who cares if Linux caches things on the first attempt and HP-UX on the second?

The lesson I get from this test is that HP-UX and Linux are different in subtle ways and that when we migrate a database from HP-UX to Linux we may see performance differences that we do not expect.

Here is a zip of my script and its logs: zip

– Bobby

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db file parallel read faster on Linux than HP-UX?

I am still working on comparing performance between an HP-UX blade and a Linux virtual machine and I have a strange result.  I tried to come up with a simple example that would do a lot of single block I/O.  The test runs faster on my Linux system than my HP-UX system and I’m not sure why.  All of the parameters are the same, except the ones that contain the system name and filesystem names.  Both systems are  The dramatic difference in run times corresponds to an equally dramatic difference in db file parallel read wait times.

I created a table called TEST and populated it with data and added an index called TESTI. I ran this query to generate a lot of single block I/O:

select /*+ index(test testi) */ sum(blocks) from test;

Here is the result on HP:


Elapsed: 00:01:28.38

          9  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
    3289143  consistent gets
     125896  physical reads
      86864  redo size
        216  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
        248  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
          2  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
          0  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
          1  rows processed

  3  WHERE a.SID= :monitored_sid
  4  order by time_waited desc;

------------------------------ ----------- ----------- ------------
db file parallel read                 4096        6760         1.65
db file sequential read              14526         236          .02
events in waitclass Other                1          28        28.49
SQL*Net message from client             19           5          .28
db file scattered read                   5           3          .65
SQL*Net message to client               20           0            0
Disk file operations I/O                 1           0          .01

Here is the same thing on Linux:


Elapsed: 00:00:09.01

          9  recursive calls
          0  db block gets
    3289130  consistent gets
     125872  physical reads
      77244  redo size
        353  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
        360  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
          2  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
          0  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
          1  rows processed

  3  WHERE a.SID= :monitored_sid
  4  order by time_waited desc;

------------------------------ ----------- ----------- ------------
db file parallel read                 4096          55          .01
events in waitclass Other                1          17        16.72
db file sequential read              14498          11            0
SQL*Net message from client             19           6          .31
db file scattered read                  15           0            0
SQL*Net message to client               20           0            0
Disk file operations I/O                 1           0            0

Something doesn’t seem right.  Surely there is some caching somewhere.  Is it really possible that the Linux version runs in 9 seconds while the HP one runs in a minute and a half?  Is it really true that db file parallel read is 1 hundredth of a second on HP and .01 hundredths of a second on Linux?

I’m still working on this but thought I would share the result since it is so strange.

Here is a zip of my scripts and their logs if you want to check them out: zip

– Bobby

p.s. Here are some possibly relevant parameters, same on both system:

cpu_count                    4
db_block_size                8192
db_cache_size                512M
db_writer_processes          2
disk_asynch_io               FALSE
dispatchers                  (PROTOCOL=TCP)(DISPATCHERS=32)
filesystemio_options         ASYNCH
large_pool_size              32M
log_buffer                   2097152
max_shared_servers           12
pga_aggregate_target         5871947670
sga_max_size                 3G
sga_target                   3G
shared_pool_size             1G
shared_servers               12
star_transformation_enabled  FALSE
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Simple test of DB server CPU speed

I’m trying to compare two types of database servers and it looks like one has a faster CPU than the other.  But, the benchmark I have used runs a complicated variety of SQL so it is hard to really pin down the CPU performance.  So, I made up a simple query that eats up a lot of CPU and does not need to read from disk.

First I created a small table with five rows:

create table test (a number);

insert into test values (1);
insert into test values (1);
insert into test values (1);
insert into test values (1);
insert into test values (1);


Then I ran a query Cartesian joining that table to itself multiple times:

test t1,
test t2,
test t3,
test t4,
test t5,
test t6,
test t7,
test t8,
test t9,
test t10;

Then I used one of my profile scripts to extract the CPU.  Here is a typical output:

------------------------------ ---------- ----------
TOTAL_TIME                             32        100
CPU                                    32        100

I edited the output to make it fit.  The profile shows the time that the query spent on the CPU in seconds.

I tried multiple runs of the same query and kept adding tables to the join to make the query longer.

This zip includes the sql scripts that I ran and my spreadsheet with the results: zip

I was comparing an Itanium and a Xeon processor and the test query ran in about half the time on the Xeon.  I realize that this is not a complete benchmark, but it is some information.  My other testing is not targeted specifically to CPU but I also saw a significant CPU speed-up there as well.  So, this simple query adds to the evidence that the Xeon processor that I am evaluating is faster than the Itanium one.

– Bobby

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DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT to sneak in change on active system

I need to change a view and an index on an active production system.  I’m concerned that the change will fail with a “ORA-00054: resource busy” error because I’m changing things that are in use.  I engaged in a twitter conversation with @FranckPachot and @DBoriented and they gave me the idea of using DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT with a short timeout to sneak in my changes on our production system.  Really, I’m more worried about backing out the changes since I plan to make the change at night when things are quiet.  If the changes cause a problem it will be during the middle of the next day.  Then I’ll need to sneak in and make the index invisible or drop it and put the original view text back.

I tested setting DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT to one second at the session level.  This is the most conservative setting:

alter session set DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT=1;

I created a test table with a bunch of rows in it and ran a long updating transaction against it like this:

update /*+ index(test testi) */ test set blocks=blocks+1;

Then I tried to alter the index invisible with the lock timeout:

alter index testi invisible
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired

Same error as before.  The update of the entire table took a lot longer than 1 second.

Next I tried the same thing with a shorter running update:

update /*+ index(test testi) */ test set blocks=blocks+1 where owner='SYS' and table_name='DUAL';
update /*+ index(test testi) */ test set blocks=blocks+1 where owner='SYS' and table_name='DUAL';
... lots more of these so script will run for a while...

With the default setting of DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT=0 my alter index invisible statement usually exited with an ORA-00054 error.  But, eventually, I could get it to work.  But, with DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT=1 in my testing my alter almost always worked.  I guess in some cases my transaction exceeded the 1 second but usually it did not.

Here is the alter with the timeout:

alter session set DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT=1;

alter index testi invisible;

Once I made the index invisible the update started taking 4 seconds to run.  So, to make the index visible again I had to bump the timeout up to 5 seconds:

alter session set DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT=5;

alter index testi visible;

So, if I have to back out these changes at a peak time setting DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT to a small value should enable me to make the needed changes.

Here is a zip of my scripts if you want to recreate these tests: zip

You need Oracle 11g or later to use DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT.

These tests were all run on Oracle

Also, I verified that I studied DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT for my 11g OCP test.  I knew it sounded familiar but I have not been using this feature.  Either I just forgot or I did not realize how helpful it could be for production changes.

– Bobby

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PLAN_HASH_VALUE calculation different HP-UX and Linux?

I’m trying to compare how a query runs on two different systems.  One runs on HP-UX Itanium and one runs on 64 bit x86 Linux.  Same query, same plan, different hash value.


SQL_ID 0kkhhb2w93cx0
update seg$ set type#=:4,blocks=:5,extents=:6,minexts=:7,maxexts=:8,exts
ize=:9,extpct=:10,user#=:11,iniexts=:12,lists=decode(:13, 65535, NULL,
:13),groups=decode(:14, 65535, NULL, :14), cachehint=:15, hwmincr=:16,
spare1=DECODE(:17,0,NULL,:17),scanhint=:18, bitmapranges=:19 where
ts#=:1 and file#=:2 and block#=:3

Plan hash value: 1283625304

| Id  | Operation             | Name           | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | UPDATE STATEMENT      |                |       |       |     2 (100)|          |
|   1 |  UPDATE               | SEG$           |       |       |            |          |
|   2 |   TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER| SEG$           |     1 |    65 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|   3 |    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN  | I_FILE#_BLOCK# |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |


SQL_ID 0kkhhb2w93cx0
update seg$ set type#=:4,blocks=:5,extents=:6,minexts=:7,maxexts=:8,exts
ize=:9,extpct=:10,user#=:11,iniexts=:12,lists=decode(:13, 65535, NULL,
:13),groups=decode(:14, 65535, NULL, :14), cachehint=:15, hwmincr=:16,
spare1=DECODE(:17,0,NULL,:17),scanhint=:18, bitmapranges=:19 where
ts#=:1 and file#=:2 and block#=:3

Plan hash value: 2170058777

| Id  | Operation             | Name           | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | UPDATE STATEMENT      |                |       |       |     2 (100)|          |
|   1 |  UPDATE               | SEG$           |       |       |            |          |
|   2 |   TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER| SEG$           |     1 |    64 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|   3 |    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN  | I_FILE#_BLOCK# |     1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |

I wonder if the endianness plays into the plan hash value calculation? Or is it just a port specific calculation?


– Bobby

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sar -d on Linux

I started using sar -d to look at disk performance on a Linux system this week and had to look up what some of the returned numbers meant.  I’ve used sar -d on HP Unix but the format is different.

Here is an edited output from a Linux VM that we are copying files to:

$ sar -d 30 1
Linux 2.6.32-504.3.3.el6.x86_64 (myhostname)  04/01/2015      _x86_64_        (4 CPU)

05:26:55 PM       DEV       tps  rd_sec/s  wr_sec/s  avgrq-sz  avgqu-sz     await     svctm     %util
05:27:25 PM  dev253-9   7669.55      2.44  61353.93      8.00     35.39      4.61      0.03     19.80

I edited out the real host name and I removed all the lines with devices except the one busy device, dev253-9.

Earlier today I got confused and thought that rd_sec/s meant read I/O requests per second but it is not.  Here is how the Linux man page describes rd_sec/s:

Number  of  sectors  read from the device. The size of a sector is 512

In the example above all the activity is writing so if you look at wr_sec/s it is the same kind of measure of activity:

Number of sectors written to the device. The size of a sector  is  512

So in the example you have 61353.93 512 byte sectors written per second.  Divide by 2 to get kilobytes = 30676 KB/sec.  Divide by 1024 and round-up to get 30 megabytes per second.

But, how many write I/O operations per second does this translate to?  It looks like you can’t tell in this listing.  You can get overall I/O operations per second including both reads and writes from the tps value which the man page defines as:

Total number of transfers per second  that  were  issued  to  physical
devices.   A transfer is an I/O request to a physical device. Multiple
logical requests can be combined into a  single  I/O  request  to  the
device.  A transfer is of indeterminate size.

Of course there aren’t many read requests so we can assume all the transfers are writes so that makes 7669.55 write IOPS.  Also, you can find the average I/O size by dividing rd_sec/s  + wr_sec/s by tps.  This comes out to just about 8 which is the same as avgrq-sz which the man page defines as

The  average size (in sectors) of the requests that were issued to the

So, avgrq-sz is kind of superfluous since I can calculate it from the other values but it means that our average I/O is 8 * 512 bytes = 4 kilobytes.  This seems like a small I/O size considering that we are copying large data files over NFS.  Hmmm.

Also, the disk device is queuing the I/O requests but the device is only in use 19% of the time.  Maybe there are bursts of 4K writes which queue up and then gaps in activity?  Here are the definitions for the remaining items.


The average queue length of the  requests  that  were  issued  to  the


The  average  time  (in  milliseconds)  for I/O requests issued to the
device to be served. This includes the time spent by the  requests  in
queue and the time spent servicing them.


The  average service time (in milliseconds) for I/O requests that were
issued to the device.


Percentage of CPU time during which I/O requests were  issued  to  the
device  (bandwidth  utilization  for  the  device).  Device saturation
occurs when this value is close to 100%.

The service time is good – only .03 milliseconds – so I assume that the I/Os are writing to a memory cache.  But the total time is higher – 4.61 – which is mostly time spent waiting in the queue.  The average queue length of 35.39 makes sense given that I/Os spend so much time waiting in the queue.  But it’s weird that utilization isn’t close to 100%.  That’s what makes me wonder if we are having bursts of activity.

Anyway, I have more to learn but I thought I would pass along my thoughts on Linux’s version of sar -d.

– Bobby

P.S. Here is the output on HP-UX that I am used to:

HP-UX myhostname B.11.31 U ia64    04/02/15

11:27:14   device   %busy   avque   r+w/s  blks/s  avwait  avserv
11:27:44    disk1    1.60    0.50       3      95    0.00   10.27
            disk6    0.03    0.50       1       6    0.00    0.64
           disk15    0.00    0.50       0       0    0.00    3.52
           disk16  100.00    0.50     337    5398    0.00    5.52

r+w/s on HP-UX sar -d seems to be the equivalent of tps on Linux.  blks/s on HP-UX appears to be the same as rd_sec/s  + wr_sec/s on Linux.  The other weird difference is that in HP-UX avwait is just the time spent in the queue which I believe is equal to await – svctm on Linux.  I am more accustomed to the HP-UX tool so I needed to get up to speed on the differences.

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DCLI to back up Oracle home and inventory before patch

I was preparing for my weekend patch of our Exadata system and I needed to back up all of our Oracle homes and inventories on our production system.  On our 2 node dev and qa clusters I just ran the backups by hand like this:

login as root

cd /u01/app/oracle/product/

tar -cvf - dbhome_1 | gzip > dbhome_1-20150211.tgz

cd /u01/app

cp -r oraInventory oraInventory.20150211

But the production cluster has 12 nodes so I had to figure out how to use DCLI to run the equivalent on all 12 nodes instead of doing them one at a time.  To run a DCLI command you need go to the directory that has the list of database server host names.  So, first you do this:

login as root

cd /opt/oracle.SupportTools/onecommand

The file dbs_group contains a list of the database server host names.

Next, I wanted to check how much space was free on the filesystem and how much space the Oracle home occupied so I ran these commands:

dcli -g dbs_group -l root "df|grep u01"

dcli -g dbs_group -l root "cd /u01/app/oracle/product/;du -ks ."

The first command gave me how much space was free on the /u01 filesystem on all database nodes.   The second command gave me how much space the home consumed.  I should have done “du -ks dbhome_1” since I’m backing up dbhome_1 instead of everything under, but there wasn’t much else under so it worked out.

Now that I knew that there was enough space I ran the backup commands using DCLI.

dcli -g dbs_group -l root "cd /u01/app/oracle/product/;tar -cvf - dbhome_1 | gzip > dbhome_1-20150316.tgz"

dcli -g dbs_group -l root "cd /u01/app;cp -r oraInventory oraInventory.20150316"

I keep forgetting how to do this so I thought I would post it.  I can refer back to this later and perhaps it will be helpful to others.

– Bobby


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Loads of fun with DBA_HIST_OSSTAT

I saw a load of 44 on a node of our production Exadata and it worried me.  The AWR report looks like this:

Host CPU
            Load Average
 CPUs     Begin       End     %User   %System      %WIO     %Idle
----- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
   16     10.66     44.73      68.3       4.3       0.0      26.8

So, why is the load average 44 and yet the CPU is 26% idle?

I started looking at ASH data and found samples with 128 processes active on the CPU:

  2  sample_time,count(*)
  4  where
  5  session_state='ON CPU' and
  6  instance_number=3 and
  7  sample_time
  8  between
  9  to_date('05-MAR-2015 01:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
 10  and
 11  to_date('05-MAR-2015 02:00:00','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
 12  group by sample_time
 13  order by sample_time;

SAMPLE_TIME                    COUNT(*)
---------------------------- ----------
05-MAR-15 AM           128

... lines removed for brevity

Then I dumped out the ASH data for one sample and found all the sessions on the CPU were running the same parallel query:

select /*+  parallel(t,128) parallel_index(t,128) dbms_stats ...

So, for some reason we are gathering stats on a table with a degree of 128 and that spikes the load.  But, why does the CPU idle percentage sit at 26.8% when the load starts at 10.66 and ends at 44.73?  Best I can tell load in DBA_HIST_OSSTAT is a point measurement of load.  It isn’t an average over a long period.  The 11.2 manual describes load in v$osstat in this way:

Current number of processes that are either running or in the ready state, waiting to be selected by the operating-system scheduler to run. On many platforms, this statistic reflects the average load over the past minute.

So, load could spike at the end of an hour-long AWR report interval and still CPU could average 26% idle for the entire hour?  So it seems.

– Bobby

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Arizona Oracle User Group Meeting March 18

I just found out that this meeting was cancelled.  We will have to catch the next one. 🙂 – 3/16/2015

Sign up for the Arizona Oracle User Group (AZORA) meeting next week: signup url

The email that I received from the meeting organizer described the topic of the meeting in this way:

“…the AZORA meetup on March 18, 2015 is going to talk about how a local business decided to upgrade their Oracle Application from 11i to R12 and give you a first hand account of what went well and what didn’t go so well. ”

Description of the speakers from the email:

Becky Tipton

Becky is the Director of Project Management at Blood Systems located in Scottsdale, AZ. Prior to coming to Blood Systems, Becky was an independent consultant for Tipton Consulting for four years.

Mike Dill

Mike is the Vice President of Application Solutions at 3RP, a Phoenix consulting company. Mike has over 10 years of experience implementing Oracle E-Business Suite and managing large-scale projects.

I plan to attend.  I hope to see you there too. 🙂

– Bobby

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Delphix User Group Presentation

My Delphix user group presentation went well today. 65 people attended.  It was great to have so much participation.

Here are links to my PowerPoint slides and a recording of the WebEx:

Slides: PowerPoint

Recording: WebEx(NO LONGER EXISTS)

Also, I want to thank two Delphix employees, Ann Togasaki and Matthew Yeh.  Ann did a great job of converting my text bullet points into a visually appealing PowerPoint.  She also translated my hand drawn images into useful drawings.  Matthew did an amazing job of taking my bullet points and my notes and adding meaningful graphics to my text only slides

I could not have put the PowerPoint together in time without Ann and Matthew’s help and they did a great job.

Also, for the first time I wrote out my script word for word and added it to the notes on the slides.  So, you can see what I intended to say with each slide.

Thank you to Adam Leventhal of Delphix for inviting me to do this first Delphix user group WebEx presentation.  It was a great experience for me and I hope that it was useful to the user community as well.

– Bobby

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