I wrote a Python program that made some fun pictures so I thought I would share them even though this is not really a database post.
I practice Python programming by doing Rosetta Code programming tasks that no one has implemented in Python. This is a fun way of keeping up my Python skills. My most recent contribution made pretty pictures so I thought I would show them here. The code takes a cube and breaks up the faces into smaller and smaller pieces that change the cube into a rounder shape.
Here is the input:

Here is the output after one subdivision:

Here is the output after two subdivisions:

Note that it is getting rounder. Lastly, after four subdivisions it is remarkably round considering that it started as a cube:

The main point of this post was to show the pretty pictures. But, to be more serious, if someone is reading this blog and looking for a programming task to do for practice you can do what I do and find a Rosetta Code task for the language you are learning and you can get some good practice.