I created a new GitHub public repository with my SQL scripts. Here is the URL:
I’ve experimented with GitHub for my Python graphing scripts but wasn’t sure about putting the SQL out there. I don’t really have any comments in the SQL scripts. But, I have mentioned many of the scripts in blog posts so those posts form a type of documentation. Anyway, it is there so people can see it. Also, I get the benefit of using Git to version my scripts and GitHub serves as a backup of my repository.
Also, I have a pile of scripts in a directory on my laptop but I have my scripts mixed in with those that others have written. I’m pretty sure that the repository only has my stuff in it but if someone finds something that isn’t mine let me know and I’ll take it out. I don’t want to take credit for other people’s work. But, the point is to share the things that I have done with the community so that others can benefit just as I benefit from the Oracle community. I’m not selling anything and if there is someone else’s stuff in there it isn’t like I’m making money from it.
Like anything on the web use at your own risk. The repository contains scripts that I get a lot of benefits from but I make no guarantees. Try any script you get from the internet on some test system first and try to understand the script before you even run it there.
I hope that my new SQL repository helps people in their Oracle work.