I am not a very good blogger. Only four posts in 2024. I will need to pick it up because I just increased my spend on AWS for this blog. This site kept going down and I finally spent a few minutes looking at it and found that it was running out of memory. I was running on a minimal t2.micro EC2 which has 1 virtual CPU and 1 gigabyte of memory with no swap. So, rather than just add swap I bumped it up to a t3.small and paid for a 3-year reserved instance. It was about $220, nothing outrageous. Worth it to me. I still have two years left on the t2.micro reserved instance that I was using for the blog so I need to find a use for it, but I don’t regret upgrading. I spent a little money to make the site more capable so now I must write more posts!
I have three Machine Learning books to work through. After finishing my edX ML class with Python I picked up a book that covered the same topics and used the same Python libraries and I have been steadily working through it: Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn. I am on chapter 9 and want to get up to chapter 16 which covers Transformers. My edX class got up to the material in chapter 15 so the book would add to what was taught in the class. Earlier chapters also expand on what was taught in the class. The cool thing about the book is the included code. Lots of nice code examples to refer to later. Even the Matplotlib code for the graphs could be very helpful to me. I’ve gotten away from using Matplotlib after using it in my PythonDBAGraphs scripts.
My birthday is the day after Christmas, so I get all my presents for the year at the end of December. I got two ML books for Christmas/Birthday. Probably the first I will dive into after I finish the PyTorch/Scikit-Learn book is Natural Language Processing with Python. This is available for free on the NLTK web site. I have the original printed book. I think once I get through the Transformers chapter of the PyTorch book it makes sense to look at natural language processing since that is what ChatGPT and such is all about. I have played with some of this already, but I like the idea of working through these books.
The second book that I got in December as a present seems more technical and math related, although the author claims to have kept the math to a minimum. It is Pattern Recognition and Machine-Learning. This might be a slower read. It seems to be available for free as a PDF. ChatGPT recommended this and the NLTK book when I was chatting with it about my desire to learn more about Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
I have all these conversations with ChatGPT about whether it makes sense for me as an Oracle database specialist to learn about machine learning. It assures me that I should, but it might be biased in favor of ML. Oracle 23ai does have AI in its name and does have some machine learning features. But it could just be a fad that blows over after the AI bubble bursts as many have before it. I can’t predict that. My current job title is “Technical Architect”. I work on a DBA team and I’m in the on-call rotation like everyone else, but my role includes learning about new technology. Plus, I think that I personally add value because of some of the computer science background I had in school and that I have been refreshing in recent years. Plus, I need to get some level of understanding of machine learning for my own understanding regardless of how much we do or don’t use it for my job. Just being a citizen of the world with a computer science orientation I feel is enough motivation to get up to speed on recent AI advancements. Am I misguided to think I should study machine learning?
Despite all this talk about AI, I am still interested in databases. I have this folder on my laptop called “Limits of SQL Optimization”. I had these grandiose ideas about writing interesting blog posts about what SQL could or couldn’t do without human intervention. Maybe SQL is a little like AI because the optimizer does what a human programmer would have to do without it. I’m interested in it all really. I like learning about how computer things work. I’ve spent my career so far working with SQL statements and trying to understand how the database system processes them. I thought about playing with MySQL’s source code. I downloaded it and compiled it but that’s about it. Plus, some day we will have Oracle 23ai and I’ll have to figure out how to support it in our environment, even if we do not use its AI features. Anyway, I’m sure I will have some non-AI database things to post about here.
To wrap up I think I may have some things to post on this blog in 2025, so it’s worth the extra expense to keep it running. Could be some more machine learning/artificial intelligence coming as I work through my books. I still have databases on the brain. Wish you all a great new year.